Category: Healthy living

Co workers

Working in an office environment can be a rich and enjoyable experience. There are people to chat with IRL, a place to call “your other” home and lots of good humor and comradery.

However, there are those things that just might want you to work from home or anywhere else.

But in the end, those that you work with each day, will be the friends you will keep for a lifetime.

Chain 124

This is an amazing story about Chain 124, a series of 30 kidney transplants covering 60 operations started by one person. For that person it was an act of altruism. The story covers some of the amazing mathematical matching and high speed computer processing to make this happen.

Also check out the multimedia interactive that shows all the kidney exchanges that took four months from beginning to end.

3D printing breakthrough

The world of 3d printing of real and totally unique objects fascinates me. My good friend John Biehler has been creating quite a collection of 3d printed objects. Check some of them out at

However, this story is not about unique items and out of production parts. It’s about using this technology to create a new jaw for an 83 year old woman. The BBC reports that doctors created a jaw bone to replace a diseased one in an 81 year old patient. The replacement “bone” was made of titanium, much like other medical replacement parts.

I think this is pretty amazing.