Author: Elwin Witzke

Co workers

Working in an office environment can be a rich and enjoyable experience. There are people to chat with IRL, a place to call “your other” home and lots of good humor and comradery.

However, there are those things that just might want you to work from home or anywhere else.

But in the end, those that you work with each day, will be the friends you will keep for a lifetime.

Herding sheep – real life example

One of the common terms used back in the day was “this is like herding sheep”. It typically came up when there were so many differing agendas, opinions and personalities at play in a meeting, that the project manager or project leader basically was ready to give up. They were spending so much time “herding” rather than having a productive meeting.

In case you’ve never seen a sheepdog herd sheep, then you are in for a treat.

If the world were 100 people

I love using graphics to explain numerical data. This video highlights the inequality in our world on many dimensions. The realization that we need to look further than our own little world and take a broader world view. 100, 100% is easy for the mind to comprehend.

If The World Were 100 People | GOOD Data When you shrink the world’s population down to 100 people, this is what you get:

Posted by GOOD on Monday, March 14, 2016