Radium Girls – The dark times of luminous watches

This is very sad. After radium was discovered in 1898, it resulted in the development of many products. Besides being included in tonics, foods and clothing, it was also used to give the nighttime glow in watches.

This article provides an insight into one group of people who were effected the most, “The Radium Girls”.


Using Blockchain technology for refugees

All people have the right to prove who they are and allow them to access basic services of economic, social and political life. This blockchain prototype will allow decentralized and secure storage and access to personal and private information.



“Approximately one-sixth of the world’s population cannot participate in cultural, political, economic, and social life because they lack the most basic information: Documented proof of their existence,” Accenture said in an announcement.


“Our prototype is personal, private, and portable, empowering individuals to access and share appropriate information when convenient, and without the worry of using or losing paper documentation,” said David Treat, managing director at Accenture’s global blockchain business.