Tag: video

Leading change

I came across a great presentation by Ron Williams, Chairman and CEO of Aetna on innovation and leadership. He made a turnaround at Aetna with new focus on employees and customers and using information technology and fact-based decisions. He spoke at MIT Sloan School of Management. This is a really great session, don’t miss it.

If you only have a few minutes, the first 2/3 of the video is what you should watch. Some key points:

  • making the case for change
  • transformation through technology in a very short period of time
  • 92% of employees take the employee survey (45 minutes)
  • key question – is my manager / supervisor practicing the Aetna way (at 83%)
  • they had a situation where staff did not admit they worked for Aetna
  • employee engagement moved from 48% to 78%
  • the are focusing on a high performance organization (expectation, not fear based)
  • their performance management system is based on results AND leadership (can’t get results while not developing and leading staff  – if you achieve good results but have poor leadership = no reward!

Source: MIT World

Information Overload Syndrome

Some depressing facts (IDC survey):

  • Each year the amount of information created in the enterprise, paper and digital combined, grows faster than 65%.
  • Non-productive information work, such as reformatting documents or reentering documents into computers, consumed more than $1.5 trillion in U.S. salaries last year.
  • Survey respondents spend as much as 26% of their time trying to manage information overload.
  • Respondents split their time evenly between dealing with paper and digital information, but 71% prefer to deal with digital information.
  • The amount of time U.S. information workers spent last year managing paper-driven information overload cost $460 billion in salaries.
  • Reducing the time wasted dealing with information overload by 15% could save a company with 500 employees more than $2 million a year.

Source: IDC survey, Information Overload Site

And more serious:

  • 28% – The percentage of the typical workday wasted by interruptions caused by unnecessary information
  • 53% – The percentage of people who believe that less than half of the information they receive is valuable
  • 42% – The percentage of people who accidentally use the wrong information at least once per week

So what is IOS? Watch this video!