Tag: enterprise 2.0

Charlene Li on Enterprise 2.0

Are you pounding your head against a brick wall when it comes trying to move your Enterprise 2.0 plans forward. You’re not alone.

In this video Stowe Boyd interviews Charlene Li (co-author of Groundswell). Use it to re-energize your Enterprise 2.0 plans. Some of the enlightening quotes are:

  • “it won’t go very far without an executive champion”
  • “when you put social technologies in place it starts tearing down the way that power is shared”
  • “when you give the power to people to post into a wiki or write a blog, […] and if you let them do it freely, that diminishes the gate-keeper role. […] and if you think about the way that organizations are laid out, its usually a bunch of silos, and social technologies puts a big stick of dynamite in that
  • wondered why we are finding blogs so little used. “I think its because people don’t like blogging. It’s hard to find time to sit down and compose your thoughts. […] It asks people to communicate in a very different way. […] I suggest to executives that they not blog, but they sure talk a lot, so I suggest they video themselves.”

Charlene thinks that enterprise Twitter-like tools will displace a lot of email. “It supplements the natural communication already going on, like IM, which many enterprises have already adopted.”

Posted on the Enterprise 2.0 Conference Blog.

Leading change

I came across a great presentation by Ron Williams, Chairman and CEO of Aetna on innovation and leadership. He made a turnaround at Aetna with new focus on employees and customers and using information technology and fact-based decisions. He spoke at MIT Sloan School of Management. This is a really great session, don’t miss it.

If you only have a few minutes, the first 2/3 of the video is what you should watch. Some key points:

  • making the case for change
  • transformation through technology in a very short period of time
  • 92% of employees take the employee survey (45 minutes)
  • key question – is my manager / supervisor practicing the Aetna way (at 83%)
  • they had a situation where staff did not admit they worked for Aetna
  • employee engagement moved from 48% to 78%
  • the are focusing on a high performance organization (expectation, not fear based)
  • their performance management system is based on results AND leadership (can’t get results while not developing and leading staff  – if you achieve good results but have poor leadership = no reward!

Source: MIT World

5 Things Every Practice Should Know About Web 2.0

There are countless presentations that give an overview of Web 2.0. Slideshare.net is an excellent site for finding reusable presentation material on Web 2.0 and almost any other topic. I ran across this one from Lee Bryant presented at LegalTech09. The reason was that generally a law practice or legal department in an enterprise often has higher levels of security around information. I wanted to see what they had to say.

Althought this was for a legal conference, just view the slides and remove the (few) references to firm and practice. It applies to any large organization. Lots of good information. Slides 9 & 10 has a good list of the types of Web 2.0 tools.

Just click on the slides to advance. Click on the FULL icon in the Slideshare frame to in full screen.

Information Overload Syndrome

Some depressing facts (IDC survey):

  • Each year the amount of information created in the enterprise, paper and digital combined, grows faster than 65%.
  • Non-productive information work, such as reformatting documents or reentering documents into computers, consumed more than $1.5 trillion in U.S. salaries last year.
  • Survey respondents spend as much as 26% of their time trying to manage information overload.
  • Respondents split their time evenly between dealing with paper and digital information, but 71% prefer to deal with digital information.
  • The amount of time U.S. information workers spent last year managing paper-driven information overload cost $460 billion in salaries.
  • Reducing the time wasted dealing with information overload by 15% could save a company with 500 employees more than $2 million a year.

Source: IDC survey, Information Overload Site

And more serious:

  • 28% – The percentage of the typical workday wasted by interruptions caused by unnecessary information
  • 53% – The percentage of people who believe that less than half of the information they receive is valuable
  • 42% – The percentage of people who accidentally use the wrong information at least once per week

So what is IOS? Watch this video!